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"they will use biological weapons on citizens and students who oppose or seek to expose the orders human cannibal operations." #covid #cannibalism

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

About #Algorithms #AlgorithmicJustice #AscensionAlgo

Everyone wants the world to improve (except the enemies of humanity whom we care not one whit about anymore).  Everyone.  No one seems to have found a away to create that planet-wide, in real-time. Reappears ...   
a.ka. under deep Internet-cover for the past 20 years (eg @censorednewsnow on Twitter) as the one, the only, the ORIGINAL ... The White Rabbit! ;~)

The White Rabbit! ;~)
  1. Stopping more WTC dropping (in the Middle East) (or a meeting there being spied upon successfully; global banking related) via MI5 disclosure. (2002)
  2. Helping earth understand the base problem; MI5/Police disclosure (7777777) [AND THE ALGORITHM NOW FREE ON THIS SITE DISCLOSED] (2014).
  3. Helping earth understand the base problem ( 5 million views - founder, Anonymous Operations #OpROTHSCHILD; #OpROCKEFELLER & #OpBLACKHEATH).  Starting the process of cracking their ciphers. (2012-2019)
  4. Ddisclosure to NSA, informal:  777777777 (file proof you download).  (2015)
  5. Publishing solutions sites (e.g. &
  6. Surviving approximately £33,000,000,000,000 spent in assassinations (mainly from satellite/cell tower directed energy weapons, but also e.g. ultrasound etc (see CYBERTORTURE/SOLUTIONS for the world's first compendium on Cybertorture Defences), whilst helping out Special Air Service veterans by completing the cipher-work undertaken for them (my idea; bust their ciphers, just like we did to polish off the 3rd Reich!). (2013-date) [Now with CIA, NSA, DARPA, DIA, NGA, FBI, NCTC, oh, and just about the whole of five eyes, NATO, and the British Commonwealth in tow learning APPLIED CRYPTOGRAPHY (to create cracks), via this site and tutorials. (2014-2021){cracking and teaching continues}
  7. Cracking all 3 layers of terrorist ciphers (cryptanalysis aka code-breaking).
  8. Cracking all 3 layers of deciphering processes (cryptanalysis)
  9. Creating new technologies to teach cipher-work to military: Virtual Heads Up Displays #cipherspace #warzones #exopolitics etc
  10. Orchestrating legal strategy to use the cipher-keys busted in legal systems (first disclosure of parts of that LEGAL STRATEGY are now PUBLIC via files released via this and sites).
Built on the original idea of 'Software for the Brain', IMPROVED UPON EXPONENTIALLY.
Proudly coded in Britain (despite others wants): by an oathtaker.  
For LEADERLESS TEAMS ...  (you and your online mates!)
INSTALL: The world's first Algorithm for Human Minds; Ascension Algorithm.

Destroy The Cabal.

[ShareMe] Leaderless teamwork 😉 #HumanAlgo first task #cryptanalysis 911 / 77 / 311 (e.g. #11M terrorism) URGENT: 🙂 #AlgorithmicJustice [ShareMe] #AscensionAlgorithm 😉 #AA

And that's ...  

... The White Rabbit! ;~)  "The more I use the keys and v-HUD, the more one thing becomes absolutely clear, the past holds the keys to the future" #Anonymous
#WarWinningWIZARDRY by #TheWhiteRabbit! ;~)
#AnonymousOperations #OpO9A naddr1qvzqqqyx7cpzp3khz7lgxc4lu2xp2fpvj47tr2f6r5lq2258zedjtjykar09k673qqgngdesx5enzd3s8yerqdfjxsurzdcdx2399

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